
Getting on the Homepage (Popular) of Pinterest

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We’ve been using Pinterest for IWearYourShirt for about a month now. We’ve been signed up for a few months and one member of our team (Caroline) has been talking about Pinterest since mid-2011. 

Our account has 600+ followers, we follow about 30 people and we have 6 Boards with 127 total Pins. Our team of shirt wearers has done our fair share of repinning, finding interesting things from around the web to Pin, but rarely have we created our on content and uploaded it as a Pin… Until today.

At 2am (Thurs morning) I was struck with a thought that the saying “Good things come to those who wait” is kind of a load of crap. It insinuates that people can be lazy, sit back and success will eventually come. Instead, the saying would be more appropriate if it read “Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up”. It’s more truthful and I can 100% attest to my business following that mantra. So I hopped into Photoshop, grabbed a simple font I love (Berthold Akzidenz), stuck with black and white colors, added some minimal design elements and was ready to rock…

BUT! Adding a Pin at 2am probably only would have gotten me a few repins, so I decided to head to sleep and upload it in the morning. At 11am I remembered to post it, 15 minutes later it had 40+ repins and then when someone tweeted a Pin in my Twitter stream (about 3 hours later) I thought about checking in on it again. I was surprised to say the least that my little inspirational poster had received 400+ repins and when I went to the homepage (popular) of Pinterest there it was:

It’s very interesting to see how the Pinterest community works and what catches on. All my Pins about cars, food, fashion and everything else have been pretty much ignored. It doesn’t matter to me that they’ve been ignored, I use Pinterest because it’s awesome and I love the functionality. I just like to dig into how things work and learn from social networks (especially new ones).

I might try to make another inspirational poster from a late night thought and see if it catches on again. Either way, I’m just happy that all of the people repinning it have now pinned something with the word “ass” in it. Hah! 

Happy Pinning and feel free to leave a comment below with a link to your Pinterest account so I can check you out.

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